* Guns shown in the pictures may be different from the actual gun fits written under each Fobus model.

Holster Mechanism
Trigger Guard Locking System
Mounting Options
(P) Paddle
(RT) Rotating Paddle
(BH ND RT) Adjustable Rotating Belt Holder
(BH ND) Adjustable Belt Holder
(EX) Thigh Rig
(MND) MOLLE Attachment
(MEX) Low-Ride Rotating Belt Holder
Matching Pouches
6912 ND
How to use
Do not use this holster when carrying a pistol with a round in the chamber. Tighten your belt. Place the holster on your hip and make sure the paddle is pushed all the way down on your belt. To release and draw, push the release button while taking grip of the gun.
Technical Information
Holster Material - mold injected Polymer formula. Trigger guard locking system - active retention which holds the weapon on the trigger guard until released with the holder's forefinger.